Gast Air Motors
Gast Air known industry wide for their rugged construction and reliability, Gast Air Motors and air powered Gear Motors are available in many operating and mounting configurations.
You can vary Gast Air motor speed between 300 and 10,000 rpm (depending on model) with a simple valve put in between the air source and air motor. As a non-electrical device, the possibility of explosion from igniting flammable gases is greatly reduced. It can be mounted and operate in almost any position.
A four-way valve in the air line enables a Gast Air Motor to be instantly reversed. A turn of the valve causes a complete reversal of rotation, even when the motor is running at full speed. Vanes are self-sealing and automatically take up their own wear, thus ensuring constant output for thousands of hours of use. As the air motor turns, expanded air-cools the motor. Units can be used in ambient temperatures up to 250 °F (120 °C) in a non-hazardous atmosphere.
You can put a Gast Air Motor in places where they will not get much service, because there’s virtually nothing to service on a Gast Air Motor, providing it is operated on a clean, dry, and lubricated air supply*. Gast Air Motors can be stalled or overloaded for long periods without damage. Cost is less than other motors of equal horsepower and capabilities. To ensure long life, Gast offers accessories designed to extend unit life including air filters that remove water and particles down to 5 microns, and air line lubricators that supply a constant flow of lubrication automatically*. We can supply a pressure regulator that provides precise control of power and operating speed. Options like these help you get smooth performance with minimum maintenance.
Lubricated Air Motors
Lubricated Air Motors are designed to thrive in harsher environments, as lubrication protects internal components and helps carry away smaller particulate, which can evade filtration.
Stainless Steel Air Motors
Fully sealed and sanitary design, these corrosion resistant stainless steel Air Motors can be mounted in any plane with face or flange mounting options.
Non-Lubricated Air Motors
No lubrication necessary for these corrosion resistant air-motors. Hub and foot mounting options available and units can be mounted in any plane.
Gear Motors
By integrating a lubricated Air Motor with an inline or right angle gearbox, the resulting Gear Motor creates greater torque and slower output speed.
We are the authorized distributor of Gast products in India.
Quick Facts:-
Low Price
Operate in All Positions
Low-shock Starts
Self-sealing Vanes
Mounting Flexibility
Four-vane or Eight-vane
Long-life Accessories