Industrial workbench
Ergonomically designed tables and chairs are very important for an organization, so the employees can work comfortably, efficiently and be more productive. Our ergonomic work bench systems are designed taking various things into consideration like handling area comfortable for all shapes and sizes, height adjustable workbench, pivot arms, computer components, adjustable shelves which makes sure tools are within easy reach of workers. These industrial workbenches can also integrate power points, compressed air, data lines and more. We have a range of ESD components which make these workbench anti-static.
These Height adjustable workbench systems are cost-effective, ESD safe and can be extended repeatedly in future, can be integrated into other solutions and re-used. These are fully compatible with Machine Building Kit System (MB Building Kit System) to integrate linear motion, install workflow roller conveyors according to your needs.
Talk to BIBUS INDIA design team we can design a customized Industrial workbench just for your need.
The Key Benifits:
- User Adjustability
- Minimize worker fatigue
- Can be extended repeatedly
- Ergonomic work bench design
- Wide range of ESD components
- Flexibility to integrate with other solutions
- Extensive array of accessories and components
Support Links
White papers
LifeScience - Work bench systems
ESD Certified