Code of conduct

The BIBUS Group's vision is to be the known and recognized solution provider in the industry.
In line with our slogan "Supporting your Success", our objective is to support the success of our customers and business partners in all our activities and decisions. We are confident in the quality of the products, solutions and systems we develop, as well as in the competence of our employees. We are committed to achieving our objectives in compliance with all legal and statutory provisions and this Code of Conduct, which is binding on all BIBUS employees.
If requirements stricter than those specified in this Code of Conduct apply in a country where the BIBUS Group operates, then they have priority. If conduct or business practices contrary to this Code of Conduct are required or tolerated in a country, this Code of Conduct applies.
Our Code is based on the OECD Principles for Multinational Enterprises and the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
However, even this Code does not replace the exercise of common sense. We expect our employees to seek relevant information if they are confronted with a subject that is not specifically addressed in this regulation.
When selecting our suppliers, customers and business partners, we expect them to respect and comply with our Code of Conduct in their cooperation with the BIBUS Group.
Download the full BIBUSCode of Conduct.